Flash messages
Flash messages are temporary messages you want to show to your users. They should be displayed once, and only once: on a subsequent page load, they don’t appear anymore.
They should specially work across route redirects. So, they are typically created in the web session.
Handling them involves those steps:
- create a message in the session
- have a quick and easy function to do this
- give them as arguments to the template when rendering it
- have some HTML to display them in the templates
- remove the flash messages from the session.
Getting started
If you didn’t follow the tutorial, quickload those libraries:
(ql:quickload '("hunchentoot" "djula" "easy-routes"))
We also introduce a local nickname, to shorten the use of hunchentoot
to ht
(uiop:add-package-local-nickname :ht :hunchentoot)
Add this in your .lisp file if you didn’t already, they are typical for our web demos:
(defparameter *port* 9876)
(defvar *server* nil "Our Hunchentoot acceptor")
(defun start (&key (port *port*))
(format t "~&Starting the web server on port ~a~&" port)
(setf *server* (make-instance 'easy-routes:easy-routes-acceptor :port port))
(ht:start *server*))
(defun stop ()
(ht:stop *server*))
Create flash messages in the session
This is our core function to quickly pile up a flash message to the web session.
The important bits are:
- we ensure to create a web session with
. - the
session object stores a list of flash messages. - we decided that a flash messages holds those properties:
- its type (string)
- its message (string)
(defun flash (type message)
"Add a flash message in the session.
TYPE: can be anything as you do what you want with it in the template.
Here, it is a string that represents the Bulma CSS class for notifications: is-primary, is-warning etc.
MESSAGE: string"
(let* ((session (ht:start-session)) ;; <---- ensure we started a web session
(flash (ht:session-value :flash session)))
(setf (ht:session-value :flash session)
;; With a cons, REST returns 1 element
;; (when with a list, REST returns a list)
(cons (cons type message) flash))))
Now, inside any route, we can call this function to add a flash message to the session:
(flash "warning" "You are liking Lisp")
It’s easy, it’s handy, mission solved. Next.
Delete flash messages when they are rendered
For this, we use Hunchentoot’s life cycle and CLOS-orientation:
;; delete flash after it is used.
;; thanks to https://github.com/rudolfochrist/booker/blob/main/app/controllers.lisp for the tip.
(defmethod ht:handle-request :after (acceptor request)
(ht:delete-session-value :flash))
which means: after we have handled the current request, delete the :flash
object from the session.
Render flash messages in templates
Set up Djula templates
Create a new flash-template.html
(djula:add-template-directory "./")
(defparameter *flash-template* (djula:compile-template* "flash-template.html"))
You might need to change the current working
directory of your Lisp REPL to the directory of your .lisp file, so
that djula:compile-template*
can find your template. Use the short
command ,cd
or (swank:set-default-directory "/home/you/path/to/app/")
See also asdf:system-relative-pathname system directory
HTML template
This is our template. We use Bulma CSS to pimp it up and to use its notification blocks.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>WALK - flash messages</title>
<!-- Bulma Version 1-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/bulma@1.0.2/css/bulma.min.css" />
<!-- START NAV -->
<nav class="navbar is-white">
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-brand">
<a class="navbar-item brand-text" href="#">
Bulma Admin
<div class="navbar-burger burger" data-target="navMenu">
<div id="navMenu" class="navbar-menu">
<div class="navbar-start">
<a class="navbar-item" href="#">
<a class="navbar-item" href="#">
<!-- END NAV -->
<div class="container">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-6">
<h3 class="title is-4"> Flash messages. </h3>
<div> Click <a href="/tryflash/">/tryflash/</a> to access an URL that creates a flash message and redirects you here.</div>
{% for flash in flashes %}
<div class="notification {{ flash.first }}">
<button class="delete"></button>
{{ flash.rest }}
{% endfor %}
// JS snippet to click the delete button of the notifications.
// see https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/notification/
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
(document.querySelectorAll('.notification .delete') || []).forEach(($delete) => {
const $notification = $delete.parentNode;
$delete.addEventListener('click', () => {
Look at
{% for flash in flashes %}
where we render our flash messages.
Djula allows us to write {{ flash.first }}
and {{ flash.rest }}
call the Lisp functions on those objects.
We must now create a route that renders our template.
The /flash/
URL is the demo endpoint:
(easy-routes:defroute flash-route ("/flash/" :method :get) ()
(djula:render-template* *flash-template* nil
:flashes (or (ht:session-value :flash)
(list (cons "is-primary" "No more flash messages were found in the session. This is a default notification.")))))
It is here that we pass the flash messages as a parameter to the template.
In your application, you must add this parameter in all the existing routes. To make this easier, you can:
- use Djula’s default template variables, but our parameters are to be found dynamically in the current request’s session, so we can instead
- create a “render” function of ours that calls
and always adds the:flash
parameter. Useapply
(defun render (template &rest args)
#'djula:render-template* template nil
;; All arguments must be in a list.
:flashes (or (ht:session-value :flash)
(list (cons "is-primary" "No more flash messages were found in the session. This is a default notification.")))
Finally, this is the route that creates a flash message:
(easy-routes:defroute flash-redirect-route ("/tryflash/") ()
(flash "is-warning" "This is a warning message held in the session. It should appear only once: reload this page and you won't see the flash message again.")
(ht:redirect "/flash/"))
Start the app with (start)
if you didn’t start Hunchentoot already,
otherwise it was enough to compile the new routes.
You should see a default notification. Click the “/tryflash/” URL and you’ll see a flash message, that is deleted after use.
Refresh the page, and you won’t see the flash message again.