
A quick reference.

These functions have to be used in the context of a web request.

Set headers

Use header-out to set headers, like this:

(setf (hunchentoot:header-out "HX-Trigger") "myEvent")

This sets the header of the current request.

USe headers-out (plural) to get an association list of headers:

An alist of the outgoing http headers not including the ‘Set-Cookie’, ‘Content-Length’, and ‘Content-Type’ headers. Use the functions HEADER-OUT and (SETF HEADER-OUT) to modify this slot.

Get headers

Use the header-in* and headers-in* (plural) function:

Function: (header-in* name &optional (request *request*))

Returns the incoming header with name NAME. NAME can be a keyword (recommended) or a string.


Function: (headers-in* &optional (request *request*))

Returns an alist of the incoming headers associated with the REQUEST object REQUEST.


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