Static assets

How can we serve static assets?

Remember from simple web server how Hunchentoot serves files from a www/ directory by default. We can change that.


Use the create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler prefix directory function.

For example:

(defun serve-static-assets ()
  "Let Hunchentoot serve static assets under the /src/static/ directory
  of your :myproject system.
  Then reference static assets with the /static/ URL prefix."
  (push (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
          (asdf:system-relative-pathname :myproject "src/static/"))
          ;;                                        ^^^ starts without a /

and call it in the function that starts your application:


Now our project’s static files located under src/static/ are served with the /static/ prefix. Access them like this:

<img src="/static/img/banner.jpg" />


<script src="/static/test.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

where the file src/static/test.js could be
